Monmouth County Clerk Receives Award


Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon received the 2023 Golden Osprey Award for Outstanding Chamber Service from the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce.

The presentation was made by Monmouth County Commissioner Director Tom Arnone from the Chamber at its the 38th  Golden Osprey Awards Dinner November 16 at Jumping Brook Country Club.

“I am truly honored to be recognized by the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce for my public service to the residents of the County of Monmouth as County Clerk,”  Hanlon said at the presentation. “ I am proud of all that we have accomplished at the  Clerk’s Office in educating our voters, preserving our County’s precious history, serving our veterans, and making our government services readily available.”

The  Award is presented to an individual who continually supports the chamber of commerce and its mission, and who works tirelessly to better their community.

“It is a pleasure to work with the dedicated Executive Board and Board of Directors of the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce, and I commend them for their hard work to ultimately improve the local economy and quality of life in southern Monmouth County,” the clerk continued.

Hanlon is serving in her second term as Monmouth County Clerk and has served in the position since 2015.

Other 2023 Golden Osprey award recipients are Stephanie G. Reckord, Esq. of Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP, Mary Ellen Keane & John F. Keane, Jr. of Sunnyside Manor, Kristin (Meyler) Cumberland of the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse at Wall Township, Jean Wild of Manasquan, Red Bank, Assemblyman Edward “Ned” H. Thomson, Paul Rugarber, PDR Designs Architecture LLC, Diane Turton Realtors, C&A Financial Group, and Cowleys Pest Control.