Highlands Council president Joann Olszewski was presented a framed copy of the Monmouth County 250 proclamation by Monmouth County Director Tom Arnone and Monmouth County Clerk Christine Hanlon at the event the Monmouth 250 Committee held for local municipalities in Freehold this week. Sail4th250
Highlands was one of the first towns to adopt a resolution in support of Monmouth 250, the county wide program planning, organizing and coordinating a year long series of events for next year, commemorating the 250th anniversary of the United States.
Arnone also announced during the meeting, where local leaders also shared ideas and programs, began planning events together and coordinated preliminary schedules, that the OPSail 76 that was such a Monmouth County tourist attraction in 1976 will again feature Tall Ships from nations around the world in an ocean procession under sail into New York Harbor on the Fourth of July 2026. Sail4th250 will make an overnight stay off Sandy Hook July 3 before the morning sail into New York Harbor.
Olszewski said Mayor Carolyn Broullon is working with council and local historians in coordinating a series of activities and events in Highlands to celebrate the borough’s history with the 250th anniversary the highlight. However, the borough also has other historic significance throughout its history and Council is continuing to work on each of those other projects as well.
Significant during 2026 and the Revolution is the fact that patriot Joshua Huddy was hung within the borough’s limits in retaliation for the hanging of a British soldier.
Olszewski has already written and the Highlands Historical Society has produced on more than one occasion, a presentation put on by Society members of the intrigue and negotiations for the life of a British soldier scheduled to be hung for Huddy’s death after Huddy was hung for the Patriots reportedly slaying Philip White.
The British also fled from Freehold through Middletown to reach Highlands in order escape across the river to Sandy Hook, which was held by the British at points during the Revolution.