Beach Traffic
Sandy Hook Working with Mayor on Traffic

Faced with the continuing weekend backup of traffic along Route 36 for beachgoers heading to Sandy Hook, Highlands Mayor Carolyn Broullon called a joint meeting among federal and local officials to come up with a resolution for frustrated motorists waiting I long lines, and patient Highlands residents and the police department dealing with the impact on their everyday living.

Police Chief Robert Burton was among those gathered together with the Mayor on a ZOOM call with Congressman Frank Pallone’s office as well as officials of Gateway National Recreation Are, Council President Joann Olszewski and borough administrator Michael Muscillo.

“It was a very good discussion about the impact of traffic on the borough and how we can work together to try to solve some of the problems,” the chief said, declining to be specific on what plans are being made and how the problem is going to be addressed on a regular basis.

Burton also said the mayor has been in frequent communication with Sandy Hook over the years trying to work out the best solution for what is traditionally a summer weekend problem for Highlands residents and Police Department since the Recreation Area began charging parking fees several years ago.

Although Burton indicated this weekend’s traffic appeared to be about the same as any summer weekend, his briefing on Saturday indicated tie-ups were only halfway from the bridge to Miller St., considerably shorter than tie-ups the weekend before when tie-ups extended throughout Highlands, Middletown and into Atlantic Highlands along Route 36.

Line of Traffic

The chief said this past Sunday shortly before 11 a.m.  traffic was backed up past Valley Street but was moving slowly. Police officers this weekend did not have to put up blockades on several roads as in the past to keep borough streets free and clear for moving traffic.


  1. I really feel Highlands resident sticker (on windshield) is absolutely necessary. I was ordered to follow traffic around OFF THE HOOK. i was not allowed to make a right on Valley. I LIVE ON HIGHLAND AVENUE. I pay taxes for the town. I understand the weekend traffic, Ive been a lical for decades. The fact there was NO ONE ready to help or check my license and address and let me turn ONTO MY STREET. ABSOLUTELY Unacceptable. .

  2. The nightmarish traffic is primarily caused by every vehicle
    entering the Park having to stop at the tollbooth. The NPS needs
    to install E-Z Pass. This simple change would not completely solve
    the traffic problem, but would go a long, long way in reducing it.

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