Highlands Mayor

Regardless of whether she’s one of your favorite mayors,  one you don’t like,  or one on whom you don’t have any opinion, there’s one think you have to give to Highlands Mayor Carolyn Broullon. She gets things done. She gets them done her way, and without a lot of fuss or fanfare, and many times without any public notice of it at all.

You remember the June Gay Pride Month recognition issues… Atlantic Highlands brought it up at a meeting, passed a resolution or took some action, and had a big discussion on flags in front of borough hall for a month. But they said they couldn’t paint any part of First Avenue because it was a county road.

Sea Bright said they couldn’t do anything because  Ocean Avenue is a state highway and they would have to seek permission.

Highlands? They didn’t say anything at all about it, they simply painted the crosswalk on Waterwitch avenue, which is a county road at that point, without any talk. They even painted it during the day, closing the road to traffic until it was finished.

Certainly not saying this is the right way to do business, but it is the way to get business done. The mayor’s adage may be, for simple temporary things like this….better to see forgiveness than permission, a creative proverb you often see military using.

Then there was last night at the Atlantic Highlands Councill meeting. The Highlands mayor was on the ZOOM call, waiting to hear the regionalization question be approved. She had worked hard on it in her town, had spent a lot of time with the other mayors, administrators and money folks, and was anxious to be sure everything went the way they all thought it would.  But when it didn’t … and the neighboring council  took the resolution off the agenda for voting, she let them know right away the other two towns would be taking action.  When questioned about it later, she also had all her times and dates down to the minute including when all the towns received the formula they were all waiting on. It was Wednesday afternoon, and she gave it to her council minutes later.

So …I’m sure she is really wondering how come the Atlantic Highlands folks did not get it until 10:30 the next morning.

That isn’t to say Atlantic Highlands will not get it done in time. They still can, if they have this special meeting to take action and if they do it fairly quickly. Doesn’t do any good if they approve the resolution but oops, it’s too late to meet the deadline to have it printed on the ballot.  The resolution does say to have a referendum on the November ballot “or as soon thereafter…”

Atlantic Highlands did lots of things right at their meeting, however, including Lance Hubeny giving so many accolades to so many wonderful volunteers and police officers for so many different reasons. Praising Ed Citron for his years of service to the First Aid was met with great applause and appreciation from the crowded courtroom, as was recognition of the amazing three police officers who saved a resident’s life this week.  And naming Beth Merkel the Employee of the Month in this wonderful new program the borough is doing is another well-deserved honor.  It’s terrific that this mayor and council recognize all the wonderful employees and volunteers that don’t sit back, ponder, or form committees, they just get out and do somethings for the residents.

Have to agree with the Police Chief who declines to give any opinion on whether cannabis is good, bad or indifferent for the borough. His response is absolutely correct: it’s the duty of the police department  to be committed to enforcing the laws that are passed, not make them or have official opinions on them. And this department does just that.

For those who did not stay long enough to hear all the speakers during the public portion, it was interesting to hear that the Tree of Heaven is a favorite breeding and resting spot for the dreaded Spotted Lanternfly. It’s a rather pretty medium size tree, officially an Ailanthus Altissima, but it’s  known by less attractive names as well, including Stinking Sumac or Stink tree because of the odor it exudes.  And in case you did not know it, it’s invasive…and comes from China..