Marty Hawley

Minutes after Marty Hawley was named Employee of the Month by Mayor Loretta Gluckstein and received the praise, congratulations and applause of the governing body and all in the audience, he was put to work!

In one of the light-hearted moments during last week’s meeting of the Mayor and Council, Hawley was named for the recognition for the month of October in the tradition Mayor Gluckstein started earlier this year in order to give special recognition to  leading borough employees for a month of  recognition.

In presenting the award to Hawley, the mayor noted he has been superintendent of the water and sewer department since 1997, citing all the licenses he has pursued and holds, as well as serving as fire marshal.  She called him “a walking encyclopedia of everything about the business of the town and that his family for generations is synonymous with Atlantic Highlands” because of their commitment and volunteerism in a variety of causes and commissions of the borough. She cited how Hawley has also raised his children to be involved and volunteer and once again thanked him profusely for his dedication to his job and the borough.

No sooner had the praise, congratulations, thanks and applause ended than Borough Administrator Rob Ferragina jokingly suggested that “while you are here” he could talk about the hydrant flushing scheduled for this month.

Hawley reported the fire hydrants throughout the borough will be flushed between Oct. 17 and 21 from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m.  When Ferragina then half in jest asked if anyone had any questions for the superintendent, Regina Keelan immediately raised her hand with a question “for this great man.” Hawley is Ms. Kellan’s brother, and she wanted to know what residents should do if their clothes get soiled in the wash because of the hydrant flushing.

Without batting an eye, and addressing her with as much solemnity and knowledge that he gives every resident, Hawley told his sister that if she or any other residents have laundry problems, they should contact the water and sewer department and there is a specially designed detergent the borough will provide to residents that would will eliminate any laundry problem resulting from the hydrant flushing.  In the meantime, he warned her, don’t launder with hot water, to which Councilman Brian Boms added, nor put them in the dryer.”

The governing body also recognized Ferragina who was celebrating a birthday this week as well as his first year anniversary as borough administrator.

In other business at the meeting, council also approved amending the salary ordinance for officials and employees after no one spoke during the public hearing, awarded a contract for mooring tackle and Helix inspection at the harbor,  and appointed Mark Allen as a DPW employee at the harbor.

Council also put off, at the request of Councilman Brian Dougherty, discussion on the EV Charger plans, pending further information from another source for a more  complete and comprehensive discussion.

It also postponed official recognition of the appointment of Ptl. Jonathan Elmer as a sergeant to give the officer sufficient time to enable friends and family to be notified of the promotion and be able to attend the swearing in ceremony on Oct. 27.