Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life


Dr. Susan DiMarco called out to the crew to “Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life,” Saturday morning. An entire crew of more than 130 sailors shouted out an enthusiastic “aye, Aye Ma’am”.

Dr. Susan DiMarco

Then, their hands over their hearts, the uniformed sailors marched double time from the rear of the Naval Weapons Station Pier to pass through the crowd of thousands and aboard the USS New Jersey, (SSN796) the fast-attack Virginia-class submarine that officially became a working part of the United States Navy at the traditional commissioning ceremony.

Dr. DiMarco, a retired dentist and wife of former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson is the sponsor of New Jersey, the third naval vessel honoring the Garden State.

Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro

Governor Phillip Murphy, three New Jersey Congressman and the Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro were all present and spoke at the ceremony under sunny skies and with cool winds on the pier of Naval Weapons Station Earle,. It was the traditional centuries old ceremony for the boat whose keel was laid eight years ago and christened three years ago. It also meant she had completed all her testing ,training , along with three phases of phases of sea trials that tested every facet of performance and capabilities and was deemed ready for service.

The submarine’s commanding officer Commander Steve Halle called the event “a truly historic moment” during his speech, praising all the distinguished guests, shipbuilders, and supporting organizations before addressing his crew.

“To the crew, the plank owners, this ceremony is about you” Halle emphasized. “You operate the most complex platform on the planet, and you continuously strive for excellence. I’m amazed and humbled at what we have accomplished. Our superior professionalism is enhanced by our crew integration and our diversity,” Halle said of his crew, which is the first fully gender integrated fast-attack submarine. “We have exceeded expectations at every turn and overcome every obstacle set before us.” As a result, Commander Halle concluded, “We commissioned our ship, and she is the fastest, most advanced, fully integrated fast attack to date.”

The submarine is 377 feet long, has a 34-foot beam and is able to dive to depths greater than 800 feet and operate at speeds in excess of 25 knots. As a fast attack submarine, she has multi-mission platforms enabling core maritime strategy core capabilities of sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security, and deterrence. She is designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare, and mine warfare. Fast-attack submarines also project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or preparation of regional crises.

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Hutchison

The boat’s executive officer,Lieutenant Commander Andrew Hutchison of Jonesboro, Arkansas, was master of ceremonies and introduced the guests on the platform. Along with Governor Murphy and Secretary DelToro, they included Jennifer Boykin, president of Newport News Shipbuilding, Larry Runkle, vice president of General Dynamics Electric Boat.

Admiral William Houston, Director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, and former commander of the Naval Submarine Forces, Submarine Force Atlantic and Allied Submarine Command served as master of ceremonies and Vice Adm. Robert Gaucher was the presiding officer for the day.

Congressman Frank Pallone, in whose district the Leonardo pier is located, Congressman Chris Smith, in whose district is the headquarters and offices for the Leonardo pier at Naval Weapons Station Earle in Colts Neck, and Congressman Donald Norcross, whose district includes Camden where the Battleship New Jersey (BB62) is a naval museum, all expressed their congratulations to the crew and the builders of the boat, the 135 year old company that is one of only two companies in the nation that builds nuclear submarines ;.

Lieutenant Commander Hutchinson gave a history of the two previous ships in the Navy named after New Jersey, the first, New Jersey (BB16) built in 1902 and commissioned in 1906,and the New Jersey (BB62) the second Iowa-class battleship named for the state and the most highly decorated ship in history recognizing her historic battles from the day she was launched on December 7, 1942 until her decommissioning in 1991.

Secretary Del Toro directed the commissioning pennant be raised at the masthead, a red, white and blue pennant with seven stars.

The Submarine New Jersey’s motto is VIrtute Ignis pro Libertas, Firepower for Freedom.

You can watch the Commissioning Ceremony HERE

Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life Man our Boat and Bring Her to Life



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