Looking for a Few Good Ghosts


The Matawan Historical Society is looking for a few ghosts.

The Society wants to make even more popular its Haunted History Walking Tour. Considering there are more than 300 homes in the borough that are more than a century old, chances are there are a few spirits form earlier decades still residing within their walls.

The Historical Society is asking current and former Matawan residents to help in the search.

Persons who have experienced anything paranormal in their home such as unexplained shadows, orbs or bumps in the night or other unexplained sights, noises, movements or smells, are invited to tell their stories  and share experiences with the Society.

More information on the event will be released in the coming weeks, and the Society urges residents to follow its Facebook page for the latest updates.

To learn more about this and 300+ years of Matawan’s unique history, join the Matawan Historical Society by visiting .
