Laughter at the Library Atlantic Highlands
Atlantic Highlands Library

Laughter at the library … They clap, they jump, they lie on blankets, they sleep in their mom’s arms, or run around the room. Best of all, the one thing they have in common is their laughter.

That’s the scene at any of the baby, toddler, preschool or after school programs at the Atlantic Highlands Branch of the Monmouth County Library. The place where Children’s Librarian Lauren Garcia throws more energy and excitement into reading that any youngster can resist.

No Reservation Needed

In addition to all the other services offered at the branch library located in Borough Hall, Garcia offers weekly programs are geared to four different childhood levels and draws crowds to each one to the brightly lit and comfortably designed reading room within the library. With no advance notice or registration of any kind needed, it’s easy for parents or caregivers to bring the youngsters for any one or more of the sessions. In fact, with the baby story time geared  to children from 10 months of age to two years, it isn’t uncommon for a toddler to beg to stay for the story time for two to three year olds which follows the first program every Wednesday. And they do.

Sitting in on a couple of sessions even without youngsters is a joy to see. There’s so much more than simply reading a book, although that is definitely the highlight of the program. But Lauren greets each youngster with more than a smile; there is a lot of clapping, a lot of hugs, a lot of youngsters eager to sit in their special place or next to a new friend. For moms or caregivers of infants,  there is either lap holding and cuddling or sitting on the floor with the youngster on a blanket watching the activity around him.


The welcoming procedure might include a bit of stretching or exercise, a Good Morning in a foreign language, or an opportunity for a youngster to tell a story or show a favorite toy. There are questions Lauren is asking, and answers smartly given, there are specialized activities, sounds or songs geared to the book of the day. It changes every day, which is probably what draws so many youngsters, but it is always exciting and fun.

 Days & Times

The Baby Story time is every Wednesday through January at 9:30 a.m. for a half hour.  That is followed by the Toddler Story time at 10:05 for another half hour or so and Lauren reads another age-related book, along with some classic stories, rhymes  and songs, or finger plays. Youngsters learn how their activities are related to their books they’re reading and are eager to answer the librarian’s questions about something or ask her for more facts on something they have learned. Parents and caregivers socialize with each other and the youngsters and all participate in the exercises, songs and poetry.

Thursdays, for a half hour beginning at 3:15 p.m. there is a  story time program for youngsters in kindergarten and above, drawing even dozens more youngsters, with or without their parents for both activities and stories, often with a surprise guest or a special story-teller. Lauren, with her perpetual animation and constant smile charms the group with stories that often encourage them to ask for more information on the subject.

With indefatigable energy, Lauren offers yet another preschool program Thursday afternoons for three to five year olds and their parents and caregivers, a half hour that includes a broader variety of activities, including crafts and song, along with Lauren reading the story of the day.

Parents View

A father bringing his son to the Toddler program said he does it every week simply because “my son likes it. He looks forward to being here, getting up, dancing around, and meeting the other kids.”  A caregiver said she comes to the baby story time with the child she cares for  “because it is helping with her language skills and  stimulates her to be active.” Another parent said she particularly likes the Toddler time because “it’s great socialization for my daughter and she likes jumping up and down and dancing with the other youngsters.”  One caregiver comes from Rumson with a five year old because “he likes to spend time with other youngsters and enjoys hearing the stories with Lauren’s expressive manner.”  Parents come because it’s fun and introduces children at an early age to all that is offered ate the library.

 Special Events

While storytelling and related song, poetry, dance and exercises are the norm for the story hours for all ages, special afternoon programs are offered for youngsters right after school that give them the opportunity for making and taking home crafts they can complete in a half hour or so. On Jan. 26, there’s a Lego Story time Club for kindergartners and up when not only will the youngsters hear a story, but they will build a LEGO creation with all the necessary equipment provided.

On that same day at 4 p.m. three to five year olds will have the chance to build something with DUPLO bricks, along with the story for the DUPLO Story time club. As in most programs at the library, there is no registration, no membership, no cost involved with any of the story times or LEGO or DUPLO programs.

“The library is so close to the school, the kids love to have stories read to them, we’re so fortunate to be able to provide it all,” Lauren said. “We encourage them to stop in any regular program and let the youngsters try something new or meet new friends.”

In addition to the regular programs, the branch library also offers special crafts children can pick up at any time to make at home. There’s a Kids page slideshow that explains the craft of the week.  For the first half of the month it’s Hot Chocolate, and beginning Jan. 15 until the end of the month, it’s the Year of the Rabbit


Jenkinson’s Aquarium will hold a 45 minute live interactive Zoom show for ages four and up on Saturday, January 21 at 10:30 a.m. Advance registration is available for that now, and a Zoom link will be provided for those registered participants.

“This is a one time event and very exciting,” Garcia said, “it will be interactive which is exciting in itself and the youngsters will be able to meet the sea life and inhabitants at the aquarium.”  Registration is available at the library or by visiting the library on the county website at