Knights of Columbus Italian Night Dinner and Gift Auction

Knights of Columbus Italian Night Dinner and Gift Auction

Tickets are now available for the Italian Night Dinner and Gift Auction sponsored by the Reverend Joseph J. Donnelly Council 11660 of the Knights of Columbus on Saturday, January 21 beginning at 6 p.m.

This is the second Italian Night sponsored by the Knights, who meet at Our Lady of Perpetual Help St Agnes Church, and provide a variety of events to help finance their missions  as well as the Columbiette Charity Fund.

The event will be held at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Gym, Miller Street at Route 36., Highlands with doors open at 5:30 p.m. and dinner served 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

“Our Italian Night this year is going to be more a Budget Efficient  Evening Out” than any an extravagant dinner and entertainment evening,” said Mike Napolitano, Grand Knight of the Fr. Donnelly chapter. “It is what many people have requested or suggested.”

Economical Event

In view of the requests and aware so many people have missed routine or anticipated recreational nights out during the Covid season, the Knights and Columbiettes, women’s auxiliary to the Knights, have teamed up to provide an economical night where guests can enjoy a home cooked Italian dinner for $20 in the friendship of others, while also having the opportunity for a Tricky Tray Gift Auction event plus, if desired,  the possibility of winning one or more of several prizes.

To make the event even more cost effective, the admission price is $20 and includes the dinner. For those wanting to spend more and take chances, there are three more opportunities to purchase gift tickets, with those prices even being divided into different cost  portions.

Event attendees can purchase chances for $5, $10 or $25 on gifts ranging in value from $25 to more than $100. To enhance their chances of winning, gift ticket purchase will be limited to those in attendance at the event. Gifts range from attendance at sports events to gift certificates to local restaurants as well as several other items for all tastes and hobbies or events.

Limited Event

The event  is limited to the first 150 tickets sold, said chairman Steve Bannetto, so interested persons should purchase their tickets soon. Tickets Are available on the flyer which is available daily at the back of both churches, or by contacting Bannetto  at, or Louise Welch of the Columbiettes at Gift chance tickets can be purchased at the time of reservations as well as at the event when it starts.

Further information about the Columbiettes is available from Welch or AnnDimaira at 732-500-1785 or visiting their website at www.vtlcolumbiettes6525. com. The Auxiliary meets the first Monday of each month at St. Mary’s New Monmouth.

The dinner portion of the event is sponsored by the Knights of the Father Donnelly chapter and will be prepared by them. Because of their regular reputation for  presentation of meals, this council of the Knights has been recognized for its outstanding food preparation and service, and on occasion, as is anticipated at the Italian night, includes the famed Red Gravy prepared by Capt. John Flynn.