King James Crashed


MIDDLETOWN –  A truck driver mis-estimating the precise distance between the height of his vehicle and the depth of the roof overhead covering the entrance to Care One at King James Care Center has caused some inconvenience expected to be corrected soon.

    Care Center Administrator Jimmie King confirmed that the incident is causing an inconvenience to visitors to the Care Center in that they have to walk further to gain access. However, the repair, to ensure it is done correctly, includes structural engineers, the township building department, more than one construction company, even sprinkler companies and several other specialists and consultants to meet all the advance approvals and certifications necessary to ensure safety.
All of those approvals are anticipated to be in place this week, he said, and construction to complete the re-installation of the protective roofing will begin shortly after Christmas.
In the meantime, King said, visitors to the Care Center unable to walk the additional distance, approximately 100 feet or so,  from the parking lot to the main dining room entrance on the west side of the building are invited to call the front desk at 732-291-3400 when they arrive for their visitation. Nursing home staff will come out with a wheelchair to accommodate the visitors and will return them to their vehicles at the end of the visit.
“We regret the inconvenience this has caused everyone,” King said, “and we are so appreciative of all the understanding our visitors have shown and their willingness to look at this as ‘a minor inconvenience’ that will not keep them from visiting their loved ones.”
The administrator said he has always known how wonderful his residents are, and recognizes their visitors are as well.
Although there is an office door closer to the parking area in front of the Care Center, King pointed out that cannot be used as a substitute during the repair, since that door directly affects patient care centers, and Covid and other health and safety processes must be observed.  Opening that door also releases outside winter air into both the hair salon and the therapy departments. “As always,” King said, “our residents’ comfort and well-being are of the utmost importance to each of us here.”
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