King James Care One … More than a Blanket, More than an Award


Residents of Care One at King James Care Center took first, second and third prizes for their numerous creative entries in the annual arts and crafts competition during the Monmouth County Fair.

Entries included paintings, sewing, crocheting, knitting and project  several residents worked on together. Their entries have won awards at every County Fair event for decades.

This year’s competition, however, included a crocheted blanket that drew the judges’ award of a blue ribbon, but it held special and more significant meaning for all the residents at Care One.

The red, white and blue blanket was crocheted by Jane, a long time resident and friend to all at the care center. Jane has a reputation for spending her days visiting the other residents, enjoying all the activities and in general being well known and loved by all the residents and staff.

Sidney was one of those  residents and Jane had crocheted this blanket as a Christmas gift for him. Unfortunately, Sidney died after Christmas and his family brought his belongings back home. But they left the blanket with Jane, wanting her to be able to have it in her own possession as her special reminder of her old friend.

Activities Director Karen Cohen suggested Jane enter the crocheted piece in the County Fair competition, once more in memory of her friend Sidney.

She did, and the artistry earned a blue ribbon for its beauty and care. But the memories of Sidney and the pride all residents took in having this memory shared throughout the county were awards enough.

“Our residents are truly like family at King James,” said administrator Jimmie King, “there was overwhelming congratulations and a celebration at the care center for all the first, second and third place awards both for individual and group entries earned. But there was even more joy, if that is possible, over the special memory they cold all share over Sidney and his thoughtful family who knew that keeping the blanket at Care One would be special for every one of the residents.”