Julianna Werdann. She sits with confidence, professionalism, and an obvious interest in her work at the table with the Henry Hudson Regional Board of Education members and their professionals at every regular meeting. She gives her monthly report in a loud, clear voice, enthusing over particular highlights the students have achieved and inviting questions or requests for further information.
She is Julianna Werdann, a Highlands resident and senior at Henry Hudson who has volunteered to give the student representative report at every meeting.
Julianna has been presenting her reports to the board and the public at every meeting in recent months, all prepared under the guidance of her teacher counselors for the project, Dawn DeSanto, an English teacher who coordinates the reports as part of her position as co-advisor for the student council, a position she shares with Jessica Merrigan from the Highlands School.
Describing the student position as “the voice of the great things going on in the schools, Henry Hudson Principal Kevin McCarthy is a strong proponent of the Student Representatives Report portion of the regular board meeting for many reasons.
“The most valuable part of the program is student participation in our community engagement,” he said. In addition to being the voice of school events, “The representative holds a position that allows him or her to learn about the inner workings of our school system and how decisions are made, not just in the traditional education sense, but as part of it.”
Julianna holds commitment to her position well. When she applied, she met all the requirements of the student selected to be the representative. To ensure she had and would maintain the interest in her added role to her regular school and educational responsibilities, Julianna campaigned and proved herself to be of the caliber that could be treated and trusted as a member of the leadership team. It also gave her the opportunity to become a reliable contributor to the overall school experience and an advocate for all programs and students, the principal explained.
In her role as student representative, once Julianna receives all the input from professionals in the broad spectrum of events and activities at the schools, Julianna compiles it in coordination with her counselors, prepares it and readies herself for each board meeting. She gives the first of the reports given monthly at all board meetings, preceding both the Superintendent’s and business administrator’s reports as well as the board president’s report. Her report also comes before any presentations or recognition’s by the board, and before the public has an opportunity to express opinions.
This month, Julianna’s report was three pages long, and covered a variety of activities that show the broad experience and interest the students have from music and art to sports, honors, forensics and social studies.
She alerts the board to upcoming events that involve students, including auditions of Atlantic Highlands school students and a Meet and Greet with the Count Basie theater team that is directing the production of Shrek, Jr. She told the board about the talented Highlands Elementary school students who are in rehearsals for the Bayshore Honors Band. She spoke on the upcoming performance set for Feb. 5 at Henry Hudson as well as how the Highlands Elementary worked with the Highlands Recreation Department for a community Toy Swap.
Julianna detailed the Henry Hudson Forensic Science and Criminal Law students’ work to find evidence to use at a trial and the steps they took to uncover evidence. She explained how that class works in conjunction with the Criminal Law class preparing for a mock trial after analyzing all the evidence and prepping witnesses. She hinted the date for the mock trail will be announced once the case is ready for the hearing.
Julianna included a report on the success of the annual Poetry Out Loud Competition, and announced the names of the top finalists, and the fact that Evelynn Knoxx, who took first place, will be going to represent the school at the Regional Competition Feb 12. at Ocean County College.
With continued pride in all the good things she had to report, Julianna cited the two students accepted into the Garden State Film Festival next month, and that the First Annual Film Festival will be held at Henry Hudson in March inviting everyone to attend to watch “some amazing films from the talent students and staff from Henry Hudson.”
Julianna’s comprehensive report goes into the projects the 9th grade history class has completed that better enable student to understand World War I and what soldiers went through along the Western Front in France. The students created trench, she explained, then next she cited how the innovative teacher, Mr. Corneliusen, even tapped into the students’ creative and writing abilities by having them write a letter home from a soldier, describing his life in the trench.
She also noted with pride the many other activities members of the National Honor and Nation Junior honor societies do in addition to maintaining those high marks and gave examples of how their efforts are helping in many different areas of the community.
When she finishes her report, Julianna sits back, smiles, indicates her readiness and willingness to answer any questions, then thanks the board and the residents for their attention, and leaves the table. Board members and those in attendance express their appreciation, knowing she has completed her mission not only to keep everyone updated on the activities and events involving students at all three schools in the district, but has done it in a professional style.
Werdann Werdann Werdann Werdann Werdann Werdann Werdann Werdann