It Was a Blessing …


In what is a tradition at the beginning of every sailing season, the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club sponsored a somber yet joyful and celebratory Blessing of the Fleet at the municipal Yacht Harbor Saturday afternoon, blessing the 22 boats that were in the parade of boats.

The Coast Guard stationed at Sandy Hook had its boat in the Blessing of the Fleet, in addition to Yacht Club members, guests, and all others who wished to participate.

The Rev. Nicole Hamilton, pastor of the United Methodist Church, and Yacht Club chaplains Peter and Carol Andrews, both members of the Yacht Club, blessed the crew and passengers on each of the passing ships, wishing fair winds and following seas who all who sailed on them now and in the future.

Each of the vessels, many decorated with flags for the parade, received a gun salute as crew members stood at attention facing the reviewing stand and acknowledging the ship’s blessing. Yacht Club Fleet Captain John DeFilippo shot the cannon for each of the vessels, and the NWS Earle Sea Cadets formed a guard of honor and stood at attention for the parade.

A wreath was laid at sea followed by “8 bells” and a cannon salute in memory of those who have died, including Helen Marchetti, former Atlantic Highlands Mayor and club members, Bob Casper, Madeline Muise, and Joel Braverman.

Eight bells is the traditional respect given to signify the passing of a mariner’s life. It signifies the changing of a watch, the poignant moment that one chapter is ending while a new on begins, similar to one ship’s crew standing watch while the other rests, the eight bells for the end of one watch and the beginning of another.

A gala ceremonies in the Yacht Club above the Shore Casino following the Fleet Blessing. T

The Aloha Spirit was presented the award for the best dressed boat and the Adagio, a vessel visiting from Keyport Yacht Club, earned the award for the Best Dressed Crew.

Prayers were also said at the club and sympathy offered for the passing of Yacht Club member Madeline Muise, whose funeral was also held Saturday. Yacht Club members were represented at her funeral as well as at the Fleet Blessing.

Post Rear Commodore John Flatley was host for the afternoon’s ceremonies and celebration.

The NWS Earle Sea Cadets who participated, led by Commanding Officer Laura Yih and Robin Goodrich, were Tyler Yih, Stephen Bianchi, Adam Fernandez, Brandon Dezuzio, Chase Koopman, Anthony Furment and Christian Bianchi.


  1. I loved to see the parade of boats and seeing the blessing of the fleet. Aunt Helen was watching from above

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