Hydrants to be Flushed

Praise to the Public Works Department of Atlantic Highlands as well as the borough administrator, all of whom go above and beyond to ensure residents first of all of the need to flush fire hydrants then to give them advice as to how they can avoid problems during the flushing as well as in the future. Let’s hope everyone reads and heeds the letter that went out to all residents on line:
Dear Residents of Atlantic Highlands,
The Atlantic Highlands Water Department will be flushing fire hydrants within the entire water distribution system, from October 23rd through October 27th, 2023, 10:00 pm to 2:00 am. During this time, you WILL experience LOW WATER PRESSURE and water DISCOLORATION. Therefore, please try not to use the water during Hydrant Flushing Hours. If water use is necessary during the Hydrant Flushing Hours, please use COLD WATER ONLY. If water discoloration persists, run COLD WATER ONLY for a minimum of twenty minutes and the water should clear. Running hot water during Hydrant Flushing Hours will cause sediment to settle in the water heater and the discoloration will continue until the water heater is flushed with clear water.
If you have any problems or difficulties with your water during the Hydrant Flushing Hours, you may contact the Water Department at (732) 291-0027 or (732) 291-1444 ext. 3701.
Hydrant Flushing is advertised twice a year in the Two River Times, the borough’s web-site, and the borough’s Facebook page. Alerts are also sent out on the borough’s reverse 911 system along with a reminder prior to the start of the system flushing. The Water Department recommends that you sign up for the Borough of Atlantic Highlands RAVE Emergency Alerts and Notification System at www.ahnj.com (under the header Emergency Alerts and Notification System, Add/Remove Yourself, and you will be notified).