Highlands Mayor Takes Action


There were no changes in the makeup of the governing body, and Mayor Carolyn Broullon being elected by a broad margin to her second term as mayor, appointments and transition went smoothly, quickly, unanimously and without objection or negative votes at the annual reorganization meeting of the Mayor and Council this week.

Councilwoman Jo-Anne Olszewski was elected council president. Brian Chabarek continued as borough attorney. Bennett Matland from CME Associates remains borough engineer and Holman, Frenian Allison as borough auditor.

Additionally, Meghan Bennett Clark was named bond council and Prototype Design Group was named landscape architect at  $72,625 annually.

Also, McManimon, Scotland and Baumann was named Redevelopment Counsel at $25,000, and Albert Marmero counsel for tax appeals at $150 an hour, not to exceed $15,000 a year.

However, retainers and fees for each of the seven attorneys hired by the governing body varies, with Chabarack approved on a retainer of $5,500 monthly plus $150 an hour at a sum not to exceed $180,000 a year.

The engineer’s maximum is not to exceed  $100,000 annually  and the auditor’s maximum is $65,850 annually. There was no retainer fee included in the resolutions for the bond counsel who’s maximum annual income cannot exceed $20,000.

Council will continue their meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month, except in July, August and November where there will only one meeting each month.

  New Committee

The governing body also established a communications committee to advise them on e-mail, website, social media and rebranding for the purpose of providing consistent messages by and for the borough. The committee is designed to be not less than five nor more than nine resident members, each appointed for one year or until successors are named, with Councilman Donald Melnyk the liaison to the Committee.  Appointees named at the meeting are Larry Chesal, Allison Duncil, Kurt Martin, Lorna Milbauer, Dina Pistone, Johnny Rivera, Alex Tallman, Sheila Weinstock and Douglas Widman.