Highlands Boat Basin and Illegalities


This isn’t the first time the bulkhead around the Highlands Boat Basin has been questioned and illegalities have been raised. It happened in May of 1955.

Plans Change

The borough had approved $80,000 for putting up the bulkhead for a distance of 185 feet. The necessary variances had been approved and then it was learned by Councilmen John Newton and Herbert Hartsgrove that the plans were changed. The new plans, they charged, showed the footage was shortened and only 156 feet were being built. That was, they thought, to have the bulkhead tie in with the Boat Basin.

Short Changed

They explained that the Snug Harbor return of the bulkhead was shortened and they wanted to know why.

But James Rankin, an engineer for the Bureau of Navigation and Otis Seaman, the borough engineer, said there was nothing wrong.

Cover Costs

Rankin explained the Bureau of Navigation had costs that had to be covered within that $80,000. There wasn’t enough money to cover it all in the $80,000, so they changed the plan to ensure sufficient funds for the Bureau’s costs.

But not to worry, he said, the Bureau did not need that much money now so they simply changed the plans back to the original  because now there were sufficient funds.

Unanswered Questions

Hartsgrove questioned, but did not receive a response as to why the change was not sent to the Borough Council for its knowledge and approval. But Seaman said it really did not make any difference, since the original plan called for the 185 foot to tie in with the Basin entrance and that is what would be happening now.