Henry Hudson Happenings


With all the discussion, legal action, and yes tens of thousands of dollars being spent before Sea Bright can even think of coming into the Henry Hudson School district, it’s important to know some of the terrific things that are happening in all three of those schools.

Atlantic Highlands Councilman Brian Dougherty

Atlantic Highlands Councilman Brian Dougherty does it at very council meeting, highlighting the students, teams, and other extracurricular activities that are not only fun and education for the students, but keep the district well known as a great place to send youngsters, regardless of the disputes and questions at board and superintendent levels. Mr. Dougherty’s reports on the grammar school awards and presentations to the students are informative and comprehensive, but there’s so much going on at the 7 to 12 school, it takes up a good part of his monthly report.

For instance., it only took a few words to report the regional questions are still in the forefront and the interim board president just released letter to some borough residents. That letter, so that everybody can see it, is now posted on the borough’s webpage as well as the school pages.

But then the councilman launched into some stories much more fun and commendable.

Congratulations to Kathy Noland and Jenna Fleming, Henry Hudson Regional School’s Teacher and Ed Services Professional of the Year!!

Kathy Noland and Jenna Fleming have been named Henry Hudson Regional School’s Teacher and Ed Services Professionals of the Year! Educator Lindsay Hensle was named Educator of the Year at the elementary school and Alyssa Conte the Educational Services Professional of the Year.

He congratulated the cast and crew of “Urinetown: The Musical” on their successful performances last weekend, as well as the Henry Hudson band and chorus for their terrific Winter Concert performances the night before the council meeting. 

He reported the Boys Varsity XC Team has earned the Principal’s Cup for the second fall season in a row, a prestigious award given to the varsity team with the highest combined GPA. And he reminded everyone that winter sports are gearing up and wishes Best of luck to all the Admiral Athletes.

Refreshing to hear about the students instead of all the time administration is spending on the regionalization issue.

Henry Hudson Henry Hudson Henry Hudson