Healthy Recipes | Avocado Basil Cucumber Bites


Let’s think about avocado for a minute. It’s easily available in in supermarkets, can be bought individually or by the three or half dozen at a time, and is incredibly nutritious for any number of reasons.


Focusing on the eyes, however, it’s full of at least 20 different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so even if you don’t think you’d like it, it’s worth a try. You’re bound to find a recipe in which it tastes good, even just smearing some on whole grain toast, or part of a guacamole dip makes it worthwhile.


The lutein in an avocado is especially good for the retina, for filtering out all that harmful light and protecting eye cells from damage, encouraging the regeneration of healthy new cells. It’s the lutein in avocado that is especially great fighting macular degeneration.

So have some fun with avocado as well. With Christmas season and plenty of parties ahead, practice this neat little appetizer and let it be a main attraction at a cocktail and hors d’oeuvre party with its great combination of not only great energy for the eye but also great eye appeal on the table. Festive, colorful, and healthy…what a combination!

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