The AAUW Half Price Book Sale will be held at the lower level of the Old First Church 69 Kings Highway, Middletown Saturday, Jan. 25 featuring half price on everything in the shop from books and CDs to audiobooks puzzles, games and DVDs with the exception of new releases.
Access to the popular shop which offers all its merchandise at low prices throughout the year is by outside stairs.
The AAUW also invites volunteers to assist at the store, commending the Brookdale Community College class which has been volunteering as part of their community service requirements.
The shop is open Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on all but holiday weekends. In addition to offering everything for sale, the volunteers also accept donations during those hours.
To learn more about the the AAUW program, to inquire about becoming a member, or to learn about their book donation policy, call 732-275-2237.