Great Ways to Volunteer and Some Great Volunteers


Local residents Marilyn Scherfen and Elaine Egidio were honored as Volunteers of the Month at last week’s meeting of the Atlantic Highlands Mayor and Council, each receiving an commendation from Mayor Lori Hohenleitner for their work in having the borough designated a Certified National Wildlife Habit.

Both Hohenleitner and council members, along with local residents, acknowledged that is only one major achievement and volunteer effort each of the women has done for Atlantic Highlands in the past.  Mrs Scherfern is also retired branch manager of the Monmouth County Library branch in Borough Hall.

It is because of the leadership and volunteer efforts of both Scherfen and Egidio that the borough last year was one of few municipalities in Monmouth County to qualify as a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

Their efforts included not only educating the residents of the importance of providing feeding, nesting and safe spaces for birds and butterflies, but also encouraging more than 100 residents to have their own properties certified as safe habitats.

The women have appeared at council meetings urging all to appreciate native plant and flower gardens, as well as to visit the National Wildlife Federation website to learn more about what it takes to have a yard, garden, apartment roof top, kitchen, deck or many other sites certified as a Wildlife Habitat.

The women also formed the Wild About Atlantic Highlands volunteer organization that continues to protect the protection and appreciation of wildlife.  Every one of the council members researched and had their own properties certified as habitats.

The pair have also partnered with other organizations in the borough, including the Arts Council to promote their goals for the environment. Another joint program with the Arts Council is planned for April.

In accepting the honor at meeting, both women stressed they are only accepting the honors on behalf of all residents who have cooperated and joined in their efforts, and expressed their thanks to each