For Families … Words are Cheap

Families Want Answers … They Deserve Answers

“Words are cheap in Washington,” Congressman Chris Smith told families of the 13 service members killed during the US evacuation from Afghanistan.

At a discussion at the House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting last week, families of those slain military shared their personal accounts of the pain they have endured in the two years since their family members were killed. They have been trying to find answers from the Biden Administration on how the withdrawal was so flawed.

“There needs to be a truly independent, comprehensive investigation into all of the very valid questions you have asked,” added Smith. “We need to have honesty here, and we need high-level, outside people who know how to ask hard-hitting questions—perhaps even a blue-ribbon commission—to investigate this.”

The Congressman called on President Biden, Secretary Blinken, Secretary Austin and General Milley to meet with the Gold Star families in a similar roundtable discussion where they can convey the horror they have faced and the horror that their loved ones endured because of the exit which cost their lives.

“You have touched all of our hearts in the most profound way,” said Smith, who is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  “Words are inadequate to express our condolences.”

In addition to sharing heart-wrenching stories, the grieving parents also made clear their demands for answers—and accountability—from the Biden Administration for the tragic events that led to the loss of their sons and daughters.


“We want answers, we need answers, and we expect those answers,” said Darin Hoover, the father of Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover. “I want to know why this current Administration isn’t able to take responsibility for their actions in the days, the weeks, and the months leading up to this fateful day.”


“We need answers,” Smith said. “We need it now, so the Biden charade and spin ends. It has to be the truth, and nothing but the truth.”


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