Fins for Freedom

Fins for Freedom … Earned, Never Given

NORAD of Davisville, one of the top ten auto importers in North America is a proud Premier Sponsor of Fins for Freedom, thanks to the generosity of its owner, Michael Miranda of Rhode Island as well as the enthusiasm he exudes for the project among his workers, notably Matt Martyn of Bayville.

Fins for Freedom is the three year old non-profit volunteer team of four men who work through boaters and other volunteers out of the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Harbor to annually provide a day of meals, fishing and relaxation off shore in private boats to both active duty and military veterans. This year’s event leaves from the Harbor the morning of May 18 in Armed Fores Week, following a breakfast at the Harbor and dinner upon the return trip.

“It’s seeing the difference it makes to have a day of joy and relaxation,” said Martyn, a NORAD employee who first heard of the program and eagerly signed up to assist. He said it was his privilege and joy to work as a mate on one of the more than two dozen private boats that took the servicemen and women out for the day’s fishing trip last year and he is hopeful of being able to be of service however he can this year as well.

When Martyn shared the news of the Fins for Freedom program to his boss, his enthusiasm was enough to convince Miranda he and the company could also help out with the program. He immediately made NORAD a generous financial contributor towards making it happen every year.

Martyn’s stories from last year are still fresh in his mind as he recounts tales he heard from veterans during the day. Some had never been out for a day on the water and how he recalls how good they felt to be able to spend it with other veterans. He told of a retired soldier who welcomed a respite for a day from his cares and concerns for a loved one, at home in Hospice care. He recalled his own father’s time in the Navy and the impact his military life had on his and his family’s life.

Nor has Martyn kept all the joy to himself. In addition to the NORAD contributions to ensure Fins for Freedom can provide the day’s outing for years to come, Martyn’s mother,Toni, who lives in Brick, wanted to be sure each of the would-be fishermen at least had a touch of sweetness for the day’s outing. Last year, she was at each boat to present bags of home-made cookies to each of the anglers. She’s waiting to find out the total number this year before she gets out the bowl and greases the cookie sheets.

Persons and companies wanting to donate to the Fins for Freedom fishing day can visit