DAR Women in History Citation

DAR Women in History Citation
Assemblyman Gerard Scharfenberger, and DAR members Catherine Dudley, Regent Michele Donnelly, Kim Best and Kristen Sussman presented Muriel Smith with their citation for Women in History.

The Middletown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, (DAR), presented a Women in History citation to Atlantic Highlands resident Muriel J. Smith at a breakfast Sunday sponsored by the Rev. Joseph Donnelly Council of the Knights of Columbus.

The Breakfast was the regular monthly breakfast the Knights and the Columbiettes prepare and serve for local residents held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help gym, Miller Street.

DAR Chapter Regent Michele Donnelly made the presentation with Assemblyman Gerard Scharfenberger. Both the Rev. Jarlath Quinn, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Agnes parish, and Highlands Mayor Carolyn Broullon participated in the ceremony and praised Smith for receiving the award,

This is only the second Women in History presentation the Middletown DAR has made.

The chapter, which was organized in 2022, made its first presentation to Monmouth County Freeholder Lillian G. Burry.

Women selected for the DAR honor are chosen by the chapter from among those whose accomplishments they know personally and whom the chapter feels make outstanding contributions that are also recognized in the Monmouth County community.

In making the presentation to Smith, Donnelly cited the years she served on the Monmouth County Historical Commission, her memberships in several historical societies, her work at NSW Earle, her public relations work with the Monmouth County Library, the five books she has written, most of on Monmouth County history, and her volunteerism in legislative, judiciary and nursing care areas as well as her work within her parish. Smith also has a blog, VeniVidiScripto.com where she writes stories of municipal interest as well as health, military and local history.

Mayor Broullon spoke on the recipient’s love for Highlands, where she had raised her family and served in various capacities there, and Assemblyman Scharfenberger spoke of her years as a journalist with several local daily and weekly newspapers as well as as editor of The Courier in Middletown.

Smith’s name and biography will now be included in the DAR list of recipients from throughout New Jersey.

The Middletown chapter is one of five DAR chapters in Monmouth County, The Francis Hopkinson Chapter is in Freehold, the Shrewsbury Towne-Middletown chapter in Shrewsbury, the Coastal Watch in Allenhurst and the Governor William Livingston Chapter in Spring Lake.

With 41 members, the Middletown chapter meets bimonthly at the VFW Post 2179 home in Middletown. Current officers working with Regent Donnelly are Vice Regent Kim Best, treasurer. Gail Bozza, Secretary Helene Henkel and registrar Maureen Foster.

Their mission is Historic Preservation, Education and Patriotism.

DAR Women in History Citation DAR Women in History Citation DAR Women in History Citation DAR Women in History Citation DAR Women in History Citation


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