COVID-19 Monmouth County Archives


Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon has created a COVID-19 Pandemic Archive to preserve important government records for historical purposes, and is requesting municipal and county government officials to submit documents pertaining to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

“The COVID-19 Pandemic is an historic event that will be of great interest to future historians, researchers, scientists, health and public policy experts, as well as government leaders,” said Hanlon. “It is critical that we take steps now to secure these records, and Monmouth County will be at the forefront of this preservation effort by maintaining these records in the Monmouth County Archives..”

The Clerk oversees the Archives, where countless county government records, both paper and digital, are stored and preserved. The Archives also houses county and municipal government records, newspapers, photographs, and maps.

To ensure as much information as possible about now Covid-19 altered precedent for government responses to crises, the clerk said , “we must preserve as much information as possible for future knowledge about this historic time period.”

Hanlon added that her office has designed a method for municipal governments to submit documents  for preservation and will be reaching out to each of the 53 municipalities in the county to request participation.

For questions about the COVID-19 Archive, please email or call 732-431-7324, ext. 8745. To view an informational video about the County Archives and its collections, visit the website at