Chris Smith … On the Job


Congressman Chris Smith showed once again not only that he’s a hard working Congressman and always on the job, but that he introduces bills and votes on measures simply because he believes they’re the best for the people, not because of political affiliations.

The latest is that huge Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2022 which he wrote along with Congresswoman Karen Bass, a Democrat from California. The house loved it as well, approving it on a vote of 401 to 20, showing huge bipartisan support.

The bill picks up on  the International Megan’s Law of seven years ago, another law Smith also wrote, which cracks down on all that horrible trafficking that goes on at the border and helps bring some of the perpetrators to justice.

At the same time, the bill provides over a billion dollars to start up some of those shelters, mental health centers, job training places, and life skills education that were first approved under that earlier bill. That one, also was introduced by this Congressman, the first  TVPA. It authorizes the Homeland Security’s Angel Watch Center which was codified by Smith’s Megan’s Law .

The congressman has always fought vigorously   against trafficking of people, especially women and children, and has written at least five different anti-trafficking laws during his career, and chaired three dozen hearings to bring more attention to human traffickers and how they violate the rights of such vulnerable populations.

We remember the big headline grabbing stories of the major cases the Congressman has fought for through the years, bringing children to parents, rescuing them from horrid circumstances, and so much more. He’s still out there doing it, he’s working with every Congressman regardless of party to get the toughest anti-trafficking and victim protection laws in place.