Commissioner Burry and “T’was the Night Before Christmas”


It wouldn’t be Christmas in Colts Neck without Monmouth County Commissioners and Colts Neck Historic Preservation Society President Lillian Burry reading ‘T’was The Night Before Christmas’ to the dozens of youngsters who attend the annual Montrose School Christmas event at the historic one room schoolhouse.

But this year was the very best year yet! That’s true every year, but last week,  in addition to the Commissioner’s rendering of the poem, Society members, township committee members and State Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger also honored Commissioner Burry for her half decade of service to the people, the communities and the county. The former County Commission Director and member for 15 years did not seek re-election to the post and will put a finale to her commissioner term this month.

Besides the Township Committee members and the Assemblyman honoring the Commissioner,  the Colts Neck Fire Police, as always, managed the traffic in and around the school house and did it with smiles, cheers and praise for the Commissioner. Each of them stopped in as well to add their own congratulations to her while keeping traffic moving safely around the school.

Kudos to the Historic committee’s co-chair Mary Pahira for coordinating all the honors for the Commissioner, as well as presenting that historic framed print that has a story of its own Mrs. Burry will laugh about for years to come.

This is a Preservation Committee that works so hard and so well together, ensuring perfection in all their ventures.  Also nice to see they had copies of Commissioner’ Burry’s book on all the historic sites in Colts Neck available for sale. A great stocking stuffer, particularly for new residents who don’t know the wealth of history in these beautiful farms and roads.

Traditionally the children gather around Commissioner Burry who has them name the eight reindeer, then encourages a rousing “Rudolph” from all of them when she asks who was added to the team to light the way for Santa Claus.

The Mike Wells trio was once again present to charm the crowd with their outstanding holiday arrangements.  With Mike on the guitar and Andy McDonaughs on the keyboard, the music couldn’t sound any better. Then add Lisa Testa, the singer and percussionist, and you have first class entertainment and sounds to remember. This trio can’t be beat, and they’re an essential part of the Colts Neck celebration!

So nice to hear so many accolades showered on Commissioner Burry and so many people remembering and talking about the myriad variety of ways she has helped so many people. The celebratory cake was delicious as well! A great accompaniment to all the outstanding dishes prepared by Society members.

All Photo’s by Michael Colarusso