Christmas Happy Together

It’s been a wonderful Christmas in spite of not all of us being able to get together, power going out, heat failing, and long road trips to make some wonderful things all happen. But in the end, so many of us were together, so much love was spread around, so many cousins got to spend time together in person or on ZOOM, and this Granny could not be more proud, more happy, or more thankful for a family that truly spells love.


Of course where the girls all get together, there are smiles and hugs. We span four generations, 86 years! There are four more too far away.

and when Granny can get together with most of the men in her life, it’s magic! There are three more spread too far to be home!

Christmas Happy Together

The very youngest of the great grands was Aria, who arrived two months before Christmas for Jason, Melissa, James, my oldest great grand, and Cadence…the Smiths