
We’ve Heard the Good, Is there a Bad & Ugly?

Once again, the borough of Atlantic Highlands is taking on a subject that is of vital importance to the residents. But only thirty-ish residents...

You Have a RIGHT to Know

You Have a RIGHT to Know ... But They Don't Want You To The OPRA-killing bills just passed by legislators from both parties in both...

Cheers & Jeers – Highlands Flood Plan

Cheers to Highlands Mayor Carolyn Broullon for not only believing the people have the right to know, and the right to decide but also...

Exercising a Legal Right: Cheered not Jeered

Why in exercising our Legal Right are we demonized? It may not have turned out the way he would have liked, but one thing is...

Attorney Opinions … Everyone Has One

Dueling Opinions - Which Attorney is Right? “They shouldn’t vote, they’re not supposed to,” Borough Attorney Peg Schaffer said at this week’s Atlantic Highlands borough...
