
Highlands is Funny When it Comes to the ADA and the NJ LAD

Funny- It’s funny how politicians operate.  Funny how the state of New Jersey operates. In fact, it’s funny how the laws governing ADA, the Americans...

Trusting Atlantic Highlands … I should have known

I should have known trusting the Atlantic Highlands Borough Council or its paid attorney  would never resolve a simple request from and 86 year old...

I’m Fed Up! I’m Still Fed Up with OPRA

OPRA, the New Jersey state Right to Know Law, was designed by the state legislature to ensure the public gets all the facts they...

I’m Fed Up! OPRA Requests

I'm Fed Up! with how The Open Public Meetings Act is being used. That’s the law approved by the NJ Legislature in October, 1975...

Hey Mayor and Council … The Public has the RIGHT to Know

Though it is not mentioned by name in either the agenda, the revised agenda, or even in the title of the proposed ordinance itself,...
