
Worm Moon

This week’s full moon, the last full moon of winter, is known as the Worm Moon,  not a very pretty name considering the reason...

Regionalization: Finances

Have not yet  had the opportunity to get the Highlands’ Mayor’s point of view on this, but I was stunned to hear last night...

Sea Grass on the Agenda

On the agenda is consideration of a conditional use for Sea Grass, a cannabis retail store planned for what is currently Chilango’s at the...

Chilango’s Going to Pot

Motorists who parked their cards Sunday morning in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help parking lot  were surprised to find letters under their windshields...

Regionalization: Bullying

Bullying Bullying. I’m beginning to think I’m seeing some form of it in response to venividiscripto’s reporting on parents and teachers unhappy with the school...
