
Regionalization: Is The Question Asked?

The latest decision by an Appellate court telling Oceanport and Shore Regional their attorneys cannot effectively change the law and prevent Sea Bright from...

A 14 Foot Wall … For What?

The Highlands vote on the question asking how the residents feel about a 14 foot wall between them and the river, not surprisingly, showed...

1 Listens Some Couldn’t Care Less

“In my opinion public questions are key to truly hearing what the electorate is thinking and I plan to continue to use them again...

Hey Don The Public Has a RIGHT to Know

If there’s any one very serious problem to take from Henry Hudson Regional Board of Education member Don Krueger’s nearly 1,000 word comment on...

Regionalization, Referendums, and Roadblocks

With all the positive progress that has been made to allow residents of the three towns involved in the school regionalization question to have...
