Jersey Shore News

Highlands Café Set To Open

Look for another terrific breakfast and lunch care to be opening at Bay and Washington Avenues in Highlands. New restaurateur Laercio, more commonly known as...

Shore Regional and the Dreaded OPRA

Thought you might enjoy this cute little, but very true story. Last week, I OPRA'd records from Shore Regional, wanting the bills and payments between...

Drones, Drones Go Away

Congressman Chris Smith was on Long Beach Island with Ocean County Sheriff Mike Mastronardy today, the sheriff who led efforts to determine the source...

Sometimes Just Let Go…. and Have a Spa Day!

Call it luxurious, special, exquisite, pampering, fancy, palatial, lush, upscale or sumptuous, but it is all very clear. Just Let Go Skin Love Beauty &...

Middletown Township Historical Society

In case you did not attend the September meeting of the Middletown Township Committee, or do not see the Monthly Messages of the Middletown...
