
The Man for Whom NWS Earle is Named

Naval Weapons Station Earle is unique and a standout as a military installation in its own right, but the man for whom is is...

Mount Mitchill (Yes! The spelling is correct!)

For many years it has been the site for Easter Sunrise Services. When the Twin Towers were struck and collapsed, it was where...

Happy 278th!

County Commissioner Lillian Burry, long recognized as an admirer of the third President of the United States, wrote the following in commemoration of Thomas...

The Jersey Devil the 13th child

Ah, the Jersey Devil….those who dare say it’s simply a legend, folklore, a made up story. But there are so many more who can...

Congressman, Militiaman, Physician

By Muriel J Smith Freehold Transcript, August 2018 Even before the American Revolution, the name Scudder was highly revered and respected throughout the eastern...
