
Eating with AMD: Blueberry Smoothie

It doesn’t always have to be salmon and sardines, or avocado and grapefruit, The American Macular Degeneration Foundation’s recipe book has recipes for all...

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby!

As I sliced celery stalks and green peppers into strips for snacks and placed them in a cup of water for easy access in...


It’s the season for peppers of all kinds, be they red, yellow or red. So why not mix them in a terrific quesadilla? The...

A Feast for the Eyes

It’s not that I’m enjoying aging macular degeneration (AMD) by any means, but it has made me reach out to try new foods and...

An Experiment with Radish Greens

The Aging Macular Degeneration which was so horrifying and frightening to me nine months ago has definitely turned into my AMD Culinary Expedition. Today,...
