Care One at Middletown


After 55 years of honoring the men who designed and built what was termed a spectacular place where residents “will enjoy sites many others might never see,” Care One at King James will officially become Care One at Middletown in a lavish ceremony both honoring the past and celebrating the future of care centers.

Care One at Middletown administrator Jimmie King has invited all local residents to attend the ribbon cutting ceremonies for the facility as well as a tour of the campus on Thursday, April 27, between 2 and 5 p.m.

The event will also include a welcome by Daniel Straus, owner of the facility, a tour of the campus, refreshments, memento gifts, and an opportunity to meet the staff.

“We’re delighted that in the anniversary month of when King James first opened in 1968, we have the opportunity to show the public that it is just as progressive and friendly as it was when it was first built by local businessmen who were innovative in recognizing the need for a state of the art facility,” King said.

The ribbon cutting for the outdoor ceremony in the center courtyard and garden will be later in the afternoon, after guests have enjoyed tours, meeting staff and refreshments, the administrator continued.

King pointed out the staff,, who together represent more than 500 years of dedication to Care One, also include generations of the same families working there. These include at least two sets of mothers and daughters, a mother and son, and two sisters currently on staff; King pointed out that through the years there have always been relatives and friends of staff and residents who have worked at Care One.

“We will always honor Jim Snyder and King Westerland, the King and James of the original name,” King said, “and now recognize it is time to honor the great township of Middletown as well. We are fortunate to be located between two communities that certainly love our facility, but since we are officially in Middletown, and our fire, police, and first aid departments respond from there so wonderfully whenever in need, it is time to celebrate the township as well. It will also help people from around Monmouth County identify where the facility ls located.”

King also announced that Snyder and Westerlind will continue to be honored in the newly named King James Dining Room, the focal point for all major activities and the evening dining room for residents. “They will never be forgotten,” he said, “nor will their foresight in creating such a facility in 1968.”

Should there be inclement weather, the celebration will be held in the King James Dining Room.

Care One at Middletown is located on the 1 acre tract on Route 36 where the $2 million facility was opened April 10, 1968, as a 125 bed residential center with a professional staff of 65 and offering both occupational and physical therapy in addition to long term care.  Herman J. “Duke” Black was the first administrator and Barbara Rast the first Director of Nursing, with Louise Suydam the firsts business manager.