Caizza Accepts on Behalf of Little League


Indefatigable volunteer Tom Caizza accepted the Little League Award as the Atlantic Highlands  volunteer of the Month on behalf of all the volunteers who work tirelessly with youngsters in the Little League program in Atlantic Highlands.

Mayor Lori Hohenleitner, in resenting the certification of appreciation noted Little League has been a borough program for 50 years, with Caizza a part of it for more than 20 years, both when he had his own children in the program as well as when they were not.

The mayor thanked Caizza for everything he has done for the borough “in countless ways” and noted the many different roles he has played in volunteering, including as a member of the Fire Department. She described him as a “team player” and a hometown hero for his uplifting ways.

Caizza accepted the honors on behalf of everyone who volunteers for the Little League he said, and declining any lengthy acceptance speech, simply said “thank you from all of us.”