Boms Heads Library Celebrations


With Monmouth County planning celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the start of the Monmouth County  Library system, our own Atlantic Highlands Branch has some spectacular event scheduled.

Cheers to Faye, Phyllis, Lauren, and Joan, who are always so helpful and energetic in the library.  But for this event, I think they’ve gone even higher than their usual spectacular pinnacle.

Since it’s a 100th anniversary, that puts the start of the Monmouth County library right smack in the middle of the Roarin’ 20s, which puts you in mind of music, jazz, fun and entertainment. So that’s what they’re re-creating right smack in the middle of Atlantic Highlands on  Saturday, Sept. 10, starting at around 1 p.m.

Look for more details shortly,  but save the afternoon and date because it sounds like Audra Marial will be celebrating the centennial in song and music.

Audra is one of Atlantic Highlands’ own claims to fame, and while she has presented her music at the Strauss House Museum in the past, this will be her first event for the Library.  She has toured the South with her music, appeared in Pennsylvania, and dozens more locations, but she is still this borough’s own  special talent.

Audra will also have an accompanist for this wonderful celebration, and since it’s a Centennial of course there will be a celebratory anniversary cake for to all to honor the occasion as  well.

Councilman Brian Boms is heading up the committee assisting the library staff with the celebration and it all promises to be a lot of fun and an opportunity to introduce more residents to all the magic that’s inside that library door in Borough Hall.

Keep the date open, plan on a delightful afternoon of spectacular music, check out the library itself for some classics in reading from the 1920s, and help Monmouth County celebrate 100 yeas of giving its residents  recreation, culture, entertainment, knowledge and everything else today’s Modern Monmouth County Library offers in all if its locations.