Be On The Cutting Edge


For all of my friends who are learning to cope so well with aging macular degeneration and other eye diseases, I have just learned yet another way we can all help those who are striving so hard to cope with new problems.


As many of you have noted in previous e-mails to me, I have found it especially helpful in dealing with the trauma of losing eyesight to be positive and upbeat. Somehow it truly makes me feel better to try to make others feel better, either by giving them hope, ideas, or finding ways that they, too, can help others.

I just found not only a great way to help others, be an “influencer” in this community, be at the forefront of treatment, AND receive some monetary compensation for it at the same time.

I received a message from a really great guy, Douglas Lowell, who is president of Find a Cure Panel and another company, Sample Czar. Mr. Lowell told me about a panel discussion that’s coming up, and asked me to participate in it. Since it’s done by phone with me in the comfort of my own home, at a specific time that’s helpful and convenient for me, I said sure I’d be happy to do it.


So I’m going to be on a panel on Oct. 8 and I’m inviting you to join me as well.

It’s for patient research for Wet AMD. Hey, there’s a great idea in the first place. Surgeons are wonderful, ophthalmologists are truly special, but if you want real research, isn’t it best to hear from the afflicted person as well?

The Find A Cure Panel specializes in patient research for rare and serious diseases and now has some new patient research going on for wet AMD. If you want to help, and if you live in the United States, are at least 60 years old (don’t you love it when you finally have a company that wants to hear from senior citizens???) and your experience with eye injections is recent, you can give him a call and sign up.


Since it is a panel discussion for Find a Cure, you also can not have a vision monitoring app on your phone.

This discussion is quick and easy. One call, about one hour, with one moderator and you talking about your experience and interest in new treatment and new technologies for Wet AMD.


If you’re interested, call, make the appointment and participate, are you ready????? the Find a Cure Panel company will actually pay you $200!!!! What could be better? Helping others and getting paid for it as well. Even if you don’t want the $200, and don’t want to keep it accept it anyway, and make a donation to a help source of your choice for someone with AMD.


If you’re interested in participating, please contact FACP at and reference FACP/WetAMD1021.


You have to hurry, there are only a few opportunities available for this research panel


AMD isn’t easy, as we all know. But helping someone else who has it is.

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