Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club

It is not only its magnificent location overlooking Sandy Hook Bay and the New York Skyline that draws new members to the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club. It’s a combination of that and  many other reasons.

That’s the undisputed belief of Ray Hillers who is the membership chairman for the  Club named to the post at the annual meeting of the Club last month.

The boatsman has been a member of the committee for the past seven years. He is also chair of the Yachting Committee, a position he has held for the last four years.

In taking over the chairmanship of the membership committee, Hillers also recognizes and praises the leaders that preceded him in the office, both Helen Marchetti and Susan Mikitas.

“There is no doubt location, location, location are the first three reasons why our new  membership was so large this year,” the new chairman said. He pointed out that not only is the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club a most desirable place to relax, it is situated close enough to the center of town where there is a variety of shops and boutiques, excellent restaurants, and  cultural, historical  and recreational activities open to all.

But with a record number of new memberships during 2022, Hillers took a look at the many other offerings the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club includes with each membership.

“We always have new members every year,” Hillers said, “but with 31 new members this year, I was particularly interested in what drew them to the club in the first place and some of the reasons why these vibrant new members want to be a part of all of our activities.”  The answer, he said, is it’s a combination of  friendly people and a variety of recreational activities and people simply  wanting to be together.

Hillers believes last year saw such a large increase in membership because so many people wanted the camaraderie of others with similar  interests and hobbies after the isolation of the Covid pandemic.

Another reason members join the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club is because of the launch availability to get to a member’s sailboat if it’s moored in the Yacht Harbor.  For both sail and motor boat owners, the club’s location on the second floor of the Shore Casino is a comfortable and convenient place to relax or have a meal while discussing boat handling and equipment issues.

Nor does anyone have to be a boat owner in order to join the club, Hillers explains. “There are non-boaters who share an interest in boating, water-borne activities and the many entertaining events this club has throughout the year.”

In fact, he added, the fact the club is open 12 months a year is a draw in itself, since most yacht  clubs are only open seasonally.

While many members come at the recommendation of friends, anyone can seek out the website and submit an application for membership.

It is the responsibility of Chairman Hillers and his committee to contact applicants, set up an interview and introduce them to the Board of Governors for approval.

During the interview the applicant can learn all the benefits and responsibilities of membership to ensure a desire to be an active member.

Hillers said his goal for 2023 is to welcome another 12 new members and keep the membership number around what it is presently;  an average of half a dozen memberships are lost each year through retirement, location change or other reasons.

To learn more about the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club, visit their website at  or write Hillers at 6 Simon Lake Drive, P.O. Box 123, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716