Atlantic Highlands Public Works Plows Forward


There was good and bad news from the Public Works Department at last week’s council meeting, Councilman James Murphy reported.

The bad news was the announcement that Niles ‘Jere” Stewart is retiring from the department in October. The assistant street department superintendent has been with the borough for 33 years and is most often recognized for his assistance in every storm and emergency situation, answering every call and task assigned. “Jere has been a valued member of the team and will certainly be missed,” the councilman said.

The good news is the department, under director James Phillips, continues to be the outstanding department it is, regardless of storms, sweeping materials, and grass and debris materials accumulated throughout the borough. The new buildings and grounds utility vehicle recently acquired were on display in front of borough hall during the July meeting.

The June storm created a significant amount of damage throughout the borough, Murphy said, and required a town wide brush pickup schedule to maintain neighborhoods.,Phillips set up and announced the schedule which has been completed. The department then used its sweeper to cover many roads in the borough prior to the Fireman’s Fair and July 4 celebration which drew many visitors. That brush, leave and log debris from the June storm weighed 630 tons, Murphy said, or more than 450 compressed yards.

Sweeping material collected during 2023 has been removed, totaling nine 20-yard tandem loads.

Murphy also reminded residents that grass clippings and other materials should not be blown into the roadways and urged residents to caution their contractors before any violations are issued.

The borough yard remains active for recyclables collection as well as a box for American flags past their prime. The flags are then properly disposed off through the local boy scout troop efforts.

The borough yard is open Mondays through Fridays from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturdays from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. with special weekend hours for leaf and brush drop-off in November and December. Information on bulk pickup, brush, metals, electronics’ and other materials are listed on the borough calendar.


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Public Works Public Works