Atlantic Highlands Planning Board-Meeting Cancellation


PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION-Notice is hereby given that the Special Meeting of the Atlantic Highlands Planning Board to be held on November 14, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Borough Hall of Atlantic Highlands, 100 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 has been cancelled. Any matters scheduled will be carried to the Regular Meeting on December 1, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Borough Hall of Atlantic Highlands, 100 First Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716.

The good news is this is the notice that was posted on the borough’s webpage, AHNJ  shortly after 8 a.m. this morning.

There will be no planning board meeting tonight to review or even talk about that Redevelopment Plan the borough council introduced at Thursday’s meeting., the one that is proposing a major change to the Mother Theresa school property totally unknown to the public but was not identified as such in the Council meeting agenda.

The bad news is the public is still kept unaware of the reason for it.

The planning board meeting scheduled for tonight was so important Thursday night during the Council meeting that the chairman of the board could not even be called during the meeting to see if he would adjourn the meeting.

So now we know the Mother Theresa Redevelopment Plan that was going to be before the planners tonight is on the agenda for the regular planning board meeting on Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. at Borough Hall and presumably on ZOOM.

But there is still so much the public does not know.

That planning board meeting scheduled for tonight and now cancelled was so important that even when the attorney on ZOOM, representing the owners of the Mother Theresa property to be discussed as this all important meeting,  could not even get a yes to his request that the meeting be cancelled, adjourned or postponed.

It was this attorney for the Mother Theresa school property owners who, in conjunction with the borough administrator, said he would contact the planning board’s attorney to get it resolved by this morning.

Read that again carefully.

It was not the borough  who offered to get it adjourned; it was  the attorney for the property owners saying he had never heard of this idea for the Mother Teresa Redevelopment Plan who said he knew the other attorneys and made suggestions, along with the administrator, of how it could be handled. Council had said they couldn’t simply call the planning board chairman right then and have it done.  Of course, that begs another question

Who called that planning board meeting in the first place? It could not have been the planning board. They did not have a meeting in which they voted on the meeting. Does someone else besides the Chairman call meetings without anyone else knowing about them? Surely the secretary who advertised the meeting didn’t call it without being told.

Really. Isn’t it about time to stop all the secrecy and let the public know the whole story about what’s going on?

Next Council Meeting: November 24
Next Planning Board Meeting December 1


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