Atlantic Highlands … No Grass and No Class


No vote because of a technicality. That’s the subject line on an e-mail apparently sent to numerous residents last night explaining that the cannabis ordinance will not be acted on at tonight’s council meeting.

The e-mail is apparently from Councilman James Murphy and Deborah Appello, the Board of Education member who with Murphy spearheaded a movement to have people attend the meeting to oppose cannabis. It was signed “Jim and Deb and gave a phone number to call, with a message not to respond to the email.

The e-mail blames the cancellation of the ordinance action on a technicality, but does not mention that the governing body, including Councilman Murphy approved those minutes when the “technicality” in a unanimous vote.

The e-mail, together with its notation that the Mayor and Council was advised last night they could not act tonight, shows a complete lack of class, consideration, respect for a resident’s concern and total disregard for professionalism, not only on the part of the borough council, but the administrator as well, unless he had been directed specifically not to let the resident, who also happens to write a blog, know action will not be taken.

This resident did not receive a copy of the e-mail. Nor did she receive any notice from the governing body that this “technicality” is causing this all important ordinance not to be voted upon.

And why should she have been notified? Because this resident, this concerned citizen, this newspaper reporter who likes to be accurate and factual in all her stories, found the “technicality” and immediately reported it to the administrator.

That deserves the courtesy, if not the obligation. for a response.

As of this post, the agenda on the borough’s official website still announces there will be a public hearing and final action taken on 09-2022, the “cannabis” ordinance. But earlier this week, this writer, a resident of Atlantic Highlands, wondered about the legality of an ordinance when there is no evidence in official minutes of meetings of the Mayor and Council that it was ever introduced.

Bringing that concern to the borough administrator resulted in an assurance it would be investigated and the administrator would get back to the visitor with information when received.

That still hasn’t happened.

Omitting an ordinance introduction in official minutes is not something to cast doubt on an efficient municipal staff. Indeed, this borough has some of the finest and most dedicated workers in the entire state. They are professional, hardworking, know their jobs, are open with all information and can either answer every question posed to them or let you know where you can get it.

The relatively new borough administrator has done a terrific job in taking on all his new responsibilities with great diligence, enthusiasm and smarts, especially as it happens to be a time when several major things are happening in Atlantic Highlands.

The borough clerk has long since demonstrated how pretty near perfect she always is.
So omitting something this important from minutes, or not reporting back to a questioner on how it could happen certainly do not appear to be ‘mistakes’ or ‘errors’ on the part of employees.

For the e-mail from Jim and Deb to blame the change in tonight’s meeting on a “technicality” when Councilman Murphy, together with every other member of council, voted to approve the minutes that avoided any mention of the cannabis ordinance is more than a technicality.

Is it criminal?

It is laziness?

Is it inattention to duty?

Or is it hiding something else for some other reason?

More frightening and concerning is the apparent lack of care or concern for so many things in this particular ordinance.

Cannabis businesses in town is a major issue, one of real interest to an awful lot of people. That’s been proven in the number of times people in favor of cannabis have spoken up at meetings, eloquent and loaded with statistics; it’s been proven by last week’s meeting of
dozens of people who formed an ad hoc committee to fight it.

It’s evident in the number of signs calling for attendance at tonight’s meeting to talk about it and the reportedly thousands of signatures on petitions against it..

Indeed, something new, different and to some, highly controversial is a matter of grave importance to any town, but especially a small town like Atlantic Highlands where you’re as apt to sit with a council-member in church as you are to enjoy a beer with one at any bar in town.

Yet, already, look at the number of mistakes this governing body has made with an ordinance that will impact the community for decades.

1. Introduction at an official meeting: not included in the minutes.

2. Those minutes, without the ordinance being mentioned, approved by unanimous vote.

3. Setting a public hearing on the ordinance before getting the necessary full report from the Planning Board.

4. Continuing’ that action without even starting it at a meeting where residents clearly wanted to be heard.

5. Continuing that action to a future meeting, but never mentioning the time or date for the continuance.

These are the primary ‘problems’ with the issue of whether shops selling cannabis or businesses manufacturing it should or should not be allowed in Atlantic Highlands.

Should not something of this importance be given more attention by our elected officials before money is spent and actions taken?

OR Is there a more extraordinary explanation as to how this many mistakes can be made on a single proposed ordinance?

Atlantic Highlands deserves better

For those who are interested in the e-mail from Jim and Deb, it was dated
yesterday and it reads:

Hello All,
Today, M&C received notification that the vote is not able to happen at tomorrownight’s meeting. As I am sure I do not need to say this to all of you, this is INCREDIBLY disappointing. Due to a clerical error and technicality, M&C is required to amend the ordinance and re-introduce it at a later meeting, sometime in September. Fight as we may, there is nothing we can do about this delay.

Many of you have been working diligently to gain support for this effort and raise
awareness within our community, that hard work has not been for nothing and is being noticed. We will all continue to fight to protect our community, this month… next month, and every chance we get thereafter!

All are still welcome to attend tomorrow night and speak their mind, understanding that all will now need to make sure they are at the next meeting where it counts. We will be sure to keep everyone informed on changes moving forward and let everyone of you know when the next opportunity will be for this vote.

The fight continues, more time … more signatures, more awareness, and more work. Do not give up hope or lose steam in the coming weeks ahead. Take this time to speak with more people, do more research and be prepared with more facts to present. I believe in my heart, we will win in the end and make sure all know this is not what the community as a whole wants for AH now, nor in the future.

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, but if interested in discussing, CALL me on
my cell number below. Thank you, EVERYONE… AND God Bless!

For OUR community,
Jim and Deb
(908) 461-7449

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