As always, resident Mark Fisher is out there asking a lot of questions for elected leaders and those who want to be elected leaders. In his Candidates Review he conducted this year, he covered the 18 subjects that are most important to individuals, and urged voters to look at each of the questions and answers, make up his own mind and vote with as much knowledge as possible. Towards that end, I would wholeheartedly urge you to open this lengthy slide program, following the directions to go from subject to subject and read what each candidate thinks is important and how he or she would handle it.
Mark explained that this is the second year he’s done this, and since last year it was very well received and shared, including publications asking to print it,  he simply gave a carte blanche to all who want to spread the precise words each candidate gave to each of his questions.  Congratulations to the candidates for taking the time and being comprehensive and sincere in their responses.
Mark asked each of the four council candidates 18 questions and gave them ten days in which to get back to him, explaining he was posting their responses for anyone to read.

He concluded with  his appreciation to the four candidates for choosing to participate, and best of luck to them on election day.
Read the Q & A here