The borough’s Beautification Committee has put out a call for artists inviting them to present their work in a unique Alley of Art featuring a celebration of Atlantic Highlands.

Committee Chairman Ellen O’Dwyer said Committee member Lynda Rose is co-chairing this event, which will give local artists at any level the opportunity to display their work highlighting an event, location, history or a unique connection with the borough.

“This will be the first of several ideas we have for further beautification of our main business and shopping district,” O’Dwyer said. “We have so many local artists and by Atlantic Highlands as a main focus for their creativity, artists will be able to freely express themselves in a broad variety of ways.”

Artists are invited to send their sketches, including color preferences, size possibilities, and  a description of what their artwork is depicting to the Committee. A panel will then judge the submitted works and announce the artists who will then have the opportunity to paint their creations on the sides of the building along  Edward’s Way, the walkway between First Avenue and the borough parking lot. O’Dwyer said the Committee has secured the permission of the building owners to present the display.

Deadline for submissions will be Sept. 18, giving the selected artists time to complete their mural on the wall before freezing temperatures set in, O’Dwyer said.

There is no charge for entry in the competition, and the beautification committee will supply the paint and maintain the works for the season in which they are being displayed once the final submissions are announced.

With a theme of a Celebration of Atlantic Highlands, artists are invited to create their own interpretation in black and white or color. Artwork cannot be political in nature and should celebrate the borough in a singular or many ways.

Further information and specific details on how to submit sketches, is available by calling 732-784-8482 or contacting Rose at