Another Great Knight Out


There are still some tickets available for the Frank Sinatra and Comedy night set for Saturday, April 20 at the Charles Hesse Gym at St. Agnes Church.

Stars Eric DeLauro, renowned for his Sinatra tribute, and Robert Anthony, aka Broccoli Rob, a popular and highly favored standup comedian will be featured in a night of music and comedy that also includes a full Italian dinner from Taliercio’s Gourmet Deli.

The evening is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Reverend. Joseph J. Donnelly Council 11660 who have long since gained their reputation for providing family entertainment and presentation, with all proceeds going to the numerous local charities the Knights council sponsors.

General admission for the night is $40, which includes all entertainment and the dinner, including soft beverages and soft beverages. Families are also invited to bring their own libations.

Tickets also include a ticket in a drawing for a flat screen TV.

Reservations, which re highly recommended, can be made by calling 862-368-0801 or e-mailing, Checks can be made payable to K of C #11660 and mailed to 180 Navesink Avenue, Highlands, NJ 07732.

Doors to the event open at 5:30 and dinner will be served beginning at 6 p.m..