Amy Gill: The Love of Her Life -Brian


Amy’s Brian

“We will continue to move forward because that is what Amy would want.”  That’s how  Brian Gill summarizes his future as he greets the hundreds of people who will be paying respects and expressing sympathy today at Pfleger Funeral Home in Middletown before tomorrow’s funeral mass and burial of his wife of 18 years, Amy Lynn Gill.

This is the last in a series of articles giving some idea of what family, friends and co-workers of Amy Gill, feel and think following her death January 30 after an eight month fight with a rare type of cancer. Guests can visit Pfleger Funeral Home on Tindall Road, Middletown between today February 9, and attend the funeral mass at 11 a.m. Saturday. February 10 at St Agnes Church, Atlantic Highlands. Burial will follow immediately at Bayview Cemetery.

Brian is so appreciative of the families and friends who have helped him through the devastation of losing his wife and the mother of their daughter Hayden,  and Amy’s stepson, Brian.  The love and remembrances of a woman everyone says was as near perfection as a human being can be,  They are able to laugh at some remembrances, tear up over other poignant thoughts and sob in pain at the stories he is hearing.  Brian is grateful for all the opportunities it has given him to express his emotions, and he thanks so many for being the strength he needs at a difficult time.

Brian’s brother Tim, has lived in Florida many years, and keeps in touch with Brian by phone daily. He flew up for Amy’s funeral and to be beside his brother , reminding him of some of his own stories about his sister-in-law.  His older brother Richard (Gitch) has always had a special relationship with Amy and respected the way she lived her life.  Rich knew how thrilled Brian was when he married Amy, and in the years since, has known how incredible Amy is not only as the perfect wife for his brother, but as a wonderful sister-in-law and great addition to the Gill family. He agrees, just as their mother Judy said, “Amy is truly the puzzle piece that made the family whole.”

Brian tells the story of how they met.   It  was Amy who approached him at the old Claddagh Bar in Highlands one night many years ago and began talking with him. “She came over to me and we just started chatting,” and by the time the evening was over, “I know I had a great one.” So he got to know Amy Lynn.  They were together for a total of 24 years and got married back on October 7,2006.

It has been an unbelievably happy marriage, Brian said there was only one time the couple ever argued. “I can’t remember what it is that we argued over,” he said, “it was probably something I did, or wanted to do which probably wasn’t a good idea.” The next morning, it was all over, it was forgotten, and our life continued as perfect as it had always been.”

Brian stated he would like to keep it simple.   “She made life easy for all of us, she just always knew the right thing to do, the right thing to say, how to handle any situation. I knew I was fortunate; I knew how wonderful she was, right from that first night I met her at the Claddagh.”  She just kept proving it through the years, he smiled.

Brian and Hayden, their 14 year old daughter, will make it through her funeral and work to continue to lead happy lives.  That’s because, he asserts quickly, “she laid the solid foundation,” they will continue to build on as they move through life.

Brian said he will miss so much about Amy,   Especially “her mothering….not only of Hayden, but of me . She always knew the right thing to do and did it for whoever was in need at any time.” And Brian added one of the many things he learned from his wife, because it was the way she led her life, is “compassion.   I’ve learned to be more compassionate and also be organized because it  works!”

There will be friends and family coming from throughout the United States for Saturday’s funeral. In addition to Tim and other family members  from Florida, other friends from Arizona, California, New York, and as far away as Hawaii .

Brian said in gratitude and appreciation, especially for his good friend Vinnie coming in from Hawaii.  Vinnie and Lea Allocca  have five children, all under the age of 14. The Allocca’s always loved when Amy and the family would visit.   Amy would be the live in nanny for the time she was on the island, and  their children adored Auntie Amy.

Brian states “Who else has as great friends like I have?”

At the wake listen to the song playlist, you will  hear songs chosen for Amy .  You’ll hear what everyone in the room is saying in their own hearts, and Brian, Hayden, Amy’s parents, sister and brothers are feeling with great depth.

One song in particular Once in Love with Amy;  the words tell the story…  “ever fascinated by her….sets your heart afire,  “doesn’t your heart go Boom, Boom, Boom.”

Once in love with Amy, always in love with Amy….

Those who know her are convinced the song was made to describe Amy Lynn Gill.

Family, Faith Strength

Amy the Teacher

Live Like Amy

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  1. Muriel thank you for the articles about Amy and family. I know of both families, but it is nice to know Amy as a person whom I never met by your writings about her. She sounded like someone we all would like to have known, Thanks again.

  2. brian so sorry to hear about your wife .don’t know if you remenber me i worked for the boro highlands with my brother booty. we remenber your father. may God watch over your wife. god bless

  3. Thank you for sharing Brian. You invited us to Amy’s surprise 30th birthday party at Wind and Sea. We were so honored to attend and so happy to be invited. She was our son Robby’s teacher and she was such a strong support system for us, especially Robby through his battle with Leukemia and for many years after. What a special person she was and she will never be forgotten. I’ve always believed there are special angels here on earth sent from God and there is no doubt in my mind and heart, Amy was one of them. My prayers will continue to be with you, Hayden, “little”Brian and all of Amy’s family and friends. Rest easy Amy. We love you.

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