Having just returned from a terrific almost two weeks of seeing parts of the country by train and paddle wheel boat, there are lots of things that have made me happy recently, and I’ll be writing about some of them, and some of the great people I’ve met along the way that make me so happy to get to know, learn from, and appreciate.

Whoever heard of a waitress/dishwasher/bartender/hard working cruise ship employee who gives a gift to the customer rather than expecting anything from the customer? That’s Liz on the American Queen Countess.

Who ever heard of a bartender who, a day after he first meets you,  sees you approaching and by the time you reach him at the bar already has a glass of pinot grigio  already chilled, poured and waiting for you, simply because he remembers each of his new guests and is sharp enough to know their liquid enjoyment habits? That’s Anthony on the Countess. Or Renee, the wonderful and very attractive housekeeper who not only keeps your stateroom fastidiously clean but also knows how to  help you solve little glitches with your cell phone?

Indeed, they and so many more have made me happy this past week.

But back at home, I love continuing to see all the programs, events, and other great things happening in Freehold. Their Saturday bike tours are the best, covering portions of the Henry Hudson Trail. In typical Freehold Borough fashion, all their events and happenings in that borough are easily available on their  communications forum at www.freeholdboroughnj.gov/resident-communications.html. Be sure to stroll through Freehold’s main street and see those spectacular colorful horses. Magnificent.

And then there’s Mayor Broullon in Highlands who is delightful and honest in her insistence that there’s been too much secrecy and truth stretching with regards to regionalization and publicly said so at that borough’s last meeting.  She and that council have worked hard on the regionalization question and think all the residents should know what’s going on.  (Not so happy with the borough’s less than enthusiastic release of information on that $10 million plus boro hall, but that’s another story, and I’m confident I’ll be able to report on that soon.)

Certainly is nice to get away and relax, learn new things and meet new people. But that only makes coming home more special, more fun, and more appreciative of the wonderful place we have right  here in the Bayshore of Monmouth County.