Always Be Happy and Have Fun

When long time physics instructor John Valente retired from MAST after 35 years at the school and Commander Tracie Smith Yeoman was principal speaker honoring him at the annual Pass in Review ceremonies by the NJROTC cadets at the school, it was amazing to see how the speeches of both the honoree and the commanding officer were so similar … Be Happy and have Fun.

For and educator of one of the more difficult sciences, and a retired Naval officer who saw duty overseas, it was interesting to hear how both also stressed the importance on their teenage students to always be happy and have fun while keeping up their high standards of excellence.

In telling the students how bittersweet it was to retire after 35 years at MAST, Valente thanked the students for their attention throughout their high schools years, their respect and understanding of his classes and the dedication they put into their academics as well as NJROTC training throughout their four years of high school.

Be Happy

He told them of the future they face both in education in college and going forward throughout life and urged them to always take the time to be happy, to enjoy life, to seek out the things that they enjoy, and to spend time in laughter and fun as well as continuing the high standards they have followed throughout their high school years.

Have Fun

In her talk praising Valente and the impact he has had on every student at MAST because of his teaching style, his expertise, and his personality, Commander Smith-Yeoman also addressed the Class of 2023 Battalion of cadets with advice for their future.

Saying the seniors have demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism and impeccable personal behavior, she credited some of their success throughout their high school years with  their sense of camaraderie, esprit de corps, and just plain FUN. She noted how the drill team “pulled together as a family and their pride and dedication and excitement shone through.”

Then, like Valente, Commander Smith Yeoman cited how much fun they all had in everything they did.  “You always had a great time together, even during hard work..” She told the seniors they have already shown they can withstand “almost anything if you have the right people by your side.”

Wishing the graduates the same joy Valente wished for their future, and her hope for that joy to be mixed with success and honor, the Naval officer advised them, as Valente had done in similar words, “along the way, don’t forget to have a good time.”

Turning to the underclassmen standing in drill formation on the field, Commander Smith-Yeoman advised them to build on the legacy they are inheriting and develop their own leadership skills., but added, “And along the way, don’t forget to have a good time.”