It was a proud niece, Barbara Kornek of Florida, who displayed the plaque in the newly renovated dining room at the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club recently when the club was dedicated to the late Helen M Marchetti, a former Atlantic Highlands Mayor and long time member of the club who died in 2023. Kornek came from her home in Florida to honor her aunt and recall the times she spent at the Yacht Club with her aunt.
 As one of his last honors as the 2024 Commodore of the Atlantic Highlands Yacht  Club Commodore Joseph Patsco led the ceremony dedicating the club’s dining room in honor of the late Helen Marchetti, former active club member and former Mayor who died September 19, 2023.
The ceremony took place  in the Yacht Club’s club rooms on the second floor of the Shore Casino building at the Municipal Yacht Harbor, with borough officials, friends, club members, and past commodores all participating in the ceremony.
  Patsco presented  Marchetti’s niece, Barbara Kornek, who came from her home in Florida for the ceremony, with the resolution Congressman Frank Pallone had introduced in Congress honoring the former Mayor.
It was a proud niece, Barbara Kornek of Florida, who displayed the plaque in the newly renovated dining room at the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club recently when the club was dedicated to the late Helen M Marchetti, a former Atlantic Highlands Mayor and long time member of the club who died in 2023. Kornek came from her home in Florida to honor her aunt and recall the times she spent at the Yacht Club with her aunt.
The club had notified Pallone of the honor being bestowed on the first lady mayor of the borough, who was friends with the Congressman and served as mayor during some of his years as Congressman.
Mayor Lori Hohenleitner read the resolution during the ceremony in the absence of Pallone who had sent his regrets for missing the event. The mayor also relayed Pallone’s congratulations to the Club for honoring his late friend. The club’s Change of Command ceremony and Dining Room dedication took place on New Year’s Day, and the Congressman was committed to several municipalities in Monmouth and Middlesex counties for their municipal reorganizations and thus was unable to be present at the Yacht Club.
In opening the ceremony, Patsco noted the honor for the former club member was first recommended shortly after Marchetti’s death when Frank Allsman was Commodore and led the long list of members and past commodores who heartily endorsed the idea. All agreed wait until renovations and improvements were completed on the popular dining area of the Club, and past Commodore Jack Flannery took the lead in arranging the festivities.
Many past and the current commodore and members of the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club were present at the Atlantic Highlands Borough reorganization meeting of the Mayor and Council and met with Congressman Frank Pallone., thanking the Congressman for introducing a resolution in the House of Representatives honoring the service of the late Helen Marchetti, a long time member of the Yacht Club. The resolution was presented at the Yacht Club meeting later in the day when the renovated and improved dining room as named in honor of Marchetti.
Kornek, in expressing her thanks for the honors for her aunt, also recalled the many times during her frequents visits to her aunt that Marchetti would insist on going to dinner or cocktails at  “the Club” and was a popular diner on Friday nights in the dining room. Kornek expressed her thanks for the love and admiration shown her aunt.
Patsco shared his own memories of Marchetti, noting her many contributions to the club and the activities it has sponsored during the years, and  noted her contributions spanned more than 60 decades since she first became a club member in 1962.



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