
Local residents Sue Curry and Claire Kozic were honored as volunteers of the month at the Atlantic Highlands Borough Council meeting this week . With enthusiasm after their award presentation the volunteers invited everyone to join in the activities that give residents of all ages the opportunity to participate.

The two women praised the athletic program at Henry Hudson Regional School with MS Kozic saying “it’s a lifelong thing” in recognizing the abilities of local youth and their abilities to work together in a variety of sports. Their activities encourage and invite residents of all ages to attend and cheer them on, the volunteers said, and help to build communications between generations.

In praising them, Mayor Lori Hohenleitner said both women are active in volunteering in a number of different areas and do so much volunteer work “behind the scenes” for which they never seek nor are given recognition.

At the same meeting, Council President Brian Dougherty, a frequent and avid supporter of all the athletic and scholastic programs both at the Atlantic Highlands school and Henry Hudson, announced the new Field Hockey instructional program just introduced in the borough for girls in grades 4 through 7.

The councilman said the program, which recently got underway, has 32 participants with Erin Dougherty, Katrina Majewski, Courtney Gearhart and Karin Masina the instructors and activities held at Kavookjian on Route 36. The program is sponsored jointly by the Atlantic Highlands and Highlands recreation programs, Dougherty said, and is appreciated as a new activities program for girls. He also encouraged residents to take advantage of the number of activities offered for local youth that residents of all ages would enjoy watching.

Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers